


Virtual clusters are fully working Kubernetes clusters that run on top of other Kubernetes clusters. Compared to fully separate "real" clusters, virtual clusters reuse worker nodes and networking of the host cluster. They have their own control plane and schedule all workloads into a single namespace of the host cluster. Like virtual machines, virtual clusters partition a single physical cluster into multiple separate ones.

The virtual cluster itself only consists of the core Kubernetes components: API server, controller manager, storage backend (such as etcd, sqlite, mysql etc.) and optionally a scheduler. To reduce virtual cluster overhead, vcluster builds by default on k3s, which is a fully working, certified, lightweight Kubernetes distribution that compiles the Kubernetes components into a single binary and disables by default all not needed Kubernetes features, such as the pod scheduler or certain controllers.

Besides k3s, other Kubernetes distributions such as k0s and vanilla k8s are supported. In addition to the control plane, there is also a Kubernetes hypervisor that emulates networking and worker nodes inside the virtual cluster. This component syncs a handful of core resources that are essential for cluster functionality between the virtual and host cluster:

  • Pods: All pods that are started in the virtual cluster are rewritten and then started in the namespace of the virtual cluster in the host cluster. Service account tokens, environment variables, DNS and other configurations are exchanged to point to the virtual cluster instead of the host cluster. Within the pod, it so seems that the pod is started within the virtual cluster instead of the host cluster.
  • Services: All services and endpoints are rewritten and created in the namespace of the virtual cluster in the host cluster. The virtual and host cluster share the same service cluster IPs. This also means that a service in the host cluster can be reached from within the virtual cluster without any performance penalties.
  • PersistentVolumeClaims: If persistent volume claims are created in the virtual cluster, they will be mutated and created in the namespace of the virtual cluster in the host cluster. If they are bound in the host cluster, the corresponding persistent volume information will be synced back to the virtual cluster.
  • Configmaps & Secrets: ConfigMaps or secrets in the virtual cluster that are mounted to pods will be synced to the host cluster, all other configmaps or secrets will purely stay in the virtual cluster.
  • Other Resources: Deployments, statefulsets, CRDs, service accounts etc. are NOT synced to the host cluster and purely exist in the virtual cluster.
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